Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Mid March Kal
A Floppy earred Easter Bunny.
This is an illusion cloth. When held upright it looks like purple and white stripes, but when you lay it down this is what you see! Pretty Cool!!

March First.

Easter theme:

The opened tomb.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Well...The sweater I knitted for Caden was just way to big for him. I had to give it to another grandson, DJ. It fit him perfect! He sent me a text message to tell about how he loved it!
They came to dinner last night and DJ had his sweater on. My daughter said that he hasn't taken it off yet!! DJ asked if he could just leave it on and wear it to school and Mom told him she thought it needed to be washed now....The looks of a 7 year old!! Too funny!

Now I need to start another sweater for Caden. He doesn't want to be left out.
This late into the Winter with Spring right around the corner, I may just make something and put it away for Christmas....or I could possible make a lighter weight cotton one. The possibilities are endless!