I used to be afraid to use a pressure canner for fear of it blowing up in my face. But then one day I got brave and read the directions very carefully and gave it a shot, and what do ya know? It was okay. The important thing to remember is let the pressure go all the way back down to zero before opening the canner or you could be seriously burned. I have since used my Pressure canner many times and I love it now.

WELL....Spring is here and the canning bug has taken hold of me these last 2 weeks. I think next on the canning list is my mother's apple pie filling recipe. I remember she canned a lot of this and it was so easy to make a pie crust and open up a bottle of apple pie filling and just dump it into the crust and bake. Soon the local farms will start selling their crops and then I'll be putting up veggies and fruits too. They look so pretty on my shelves!
I know what you're thinking....
"why does she do all this?" Well...I believe in preparing for a "rainy day" as the saying goes. It's nice having a bit of extra food in the house. Plus it tastes so wonderful to eat something I have canned and then to eat it out of season with a fresh flavor is a treat.
I canned 12 Quarts of Chili and 13 Quarts of

Beef Stew
The Chile was pretty easy to put up but the Beef Stew was a lot of chopping up of the veggies!! I am pleased with the outcome of both!
Now....on to the next project!!